Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Home Made Pellet Trap

few photos soon, my new design I'm a big upset

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bleeding A Day After Period Has Ended

I'll have to make me heal, I'm big emotional deprivation :-( I need love and if that does not work out, I'll become a priest :-(

boxes gordon finest platinum flowing flow

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Stores That Sell Maternity Clothes

pictures of where I live

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Walkin Clinics For Birth Control

Lena Philipsson - Det Gör Ont

Beautiful Lena Phillipson ^ ^ ^ I love Swedish singer ^

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ideas For Fake Diseases

I never see the end of the tunnel: (

I made a break for a while, I confess I'd like to design a little less busy: (but I'm not a pro designer, maybe someday.
In a week, is already the Easter holidays, I think it is a little early, but hey

confess I hoped that 2008 is better than the previous one, but it is not better: (
I was stupid enough to subscribe a telephone subscription from an operator in Belgium, I pay everything except the amount promised (I

a bunch of not in my job search and I lost the motivation to go to class.

Monday, is a course I already did and I confess that I feel some fatigue over again during

Wednesday, I have an economics course and frankly I'd rather spend my Wednesday with Dorothy ^ ^

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Other Places To Get Dresses

fast break at the pool sentimental

not too much courage now :-(