Monday, January 31, 2011

When To See Results From Zumba

pink Parisian Maid ...

and vase muck.
Paris cold and bright.
Menilmontant little coffee Kabyle.
Life will ...
An evening full of poetry and laughter.
A white rose.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Nausea After Tampon Use

... That
is it big enough for you?! :-)
I keep coming back to the same thing. You see.
goosebumps, chills p'tits ... heartbeat.

Loose Tonight I read:
"That day, the ghost of Gaudi sculpture Barcelona in the sky of clouds on a blue impossible that hurt the eyes."
And then again:
"The ocean of time makes us the memories we've buried."
"We all have a secret double-locked in the depths of our souls."
"Time and memory, history and fiction are mingled in this town bewitched, like colors of watercolors in the rain."
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
I like it, all these words.
Little vibrato, little monologue here now.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bleeding On Top Of The Mouth

This little cloud. Female flies

"This little cloud that follows me.
I found some words scribbled with black ink of my thoughts. What inspires me the rain. It was raining that day. The tears rolling like the torrent. Tears of " crocodile crocodiles." This little cloud that follows me. Charivari emotions, and soft words, suddenly tearful.
I put red in my heart, benefit advantage to it overflows. "

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Does High Bilirubin Values Mean

cats. The

My participation in the life line, "where every chain graph designer can complete a shape which then pass control to another designer who takes over and so" .. .
For more information:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Covers For Indoor Fire Sprinkers


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stoklosa - Pharmaceutical Calculations

sea anemone

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Camille ... one day. Little

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How To Drain Washing Machine To Outside

word ...

"The real nudity in the impudence of remembrance.
I love him for ever.".

Veronica Lesueur Chalmet

How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of A Cyst


The lake water is mysterious in the winter.
Dark and silver to the moon.
I took my breath and plunged into the icy water.
algae and live in the hair of a mermaid.
Grip my ankles, my arms, my whole body.
is flexible and lightweight, like a caress.
I go back to the surface.
Aspire air at full lung
and plunges into the night full of stars.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ccie Fresher Salary India

Little word of winter morning.

"The lovers are alone in the world because the world is done for them and by them. Love is in the vortex cell of chance, and these two had a chance to meet a few billion in the same time ".
Phlippe Sollers" Treasure of Love "

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Triple Beam Science Worksheet

Mistletoe, Offering to the Moon ...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

George Washington Bridge Toll Rates
