Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Monster Energy, Corona Ca

my angel

My Angel, My island, The spark that wakes me every morning, because my first thought is for toi.Elle brings warmth in my heart And my lips said with a smile ...... I know you're là.Mon Angel, My Universe, The tender presence that accompanies my jours.Même when you are far from my mind is filled yeuxMon of you ...... I know you're là.Mon Angel, My Eden This soft light that invaded my nights, sleep on my asleepAnd silently drive away the shadows of my dreams ...... I feel that you are là.Je love you more than toutJ'aimerai find other words ... J 'love of my fingers, with the thread of my love, Broder on your skin, the image of my passion.

Bubble Skirt Free Pattern

if life is a couchemar

If life is a nightmare Every moment spent with you is a dream ... YOUR dream! A moment of intense joieEt bonheur.La life would be so sad without my sunshine , A ray of hope, a wonderful ray of love. After careful consideration, I have to admit that you are not a single ray ... But a meteor was responsible for happiness and to live ardeurL'ardeur course "You're also just MY SUNSHINE! Because with you everything becomes ... I'm looking tirelessly adjectifsQui proves what I feel towards you, But I find none of my height sentiments.Même" I LOVE YOU " These words remain very small ... I want him in there hard enough, big enough, symbolic, that thou hast never in doubt! I invent for you, I wish you could the read my eyes ... Love, like emotions and feelings, It is experienced but not written ... My love is in every moment augmentationPlus the days pass, more my heart is beyond me; It exceeds all my penséesEt beyond anything I could have those nights imaginer.Toutes séparéesMais retrouvés.J morning to her so much to share with you the rêvéDe éternitéQue I want you by my side for life! I LOVE YOU TO THE MADNESS!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Midi Via Usb Vs Soundcard

I love you not only speak of gentleness

I love you not only for what you esmais for what I am when we're together.

Play Cubefeild In School

Words of softness, moments of exchanged glances bonheur.Des, A zest complicité.Des stars in their eyes, the joy of being deux.Main in hand Follow the same chemin.Des heart filled dreams, All pleasure, no injuries rancoeur.Aimer and oublierLes passé.Juste the magic of love, A beautiful life forever