Sunday, March 28, 2010

What To Write In A Wedding Card Co-worker

Classified info for expats living in Morocco

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Living on the outside, they we have some difficult times in order to settle disputes of law. I just found a site that can help us solve some cases a little contentious and require some time for mere information. Knowing what to do with the junction between France and Morocco is not always easy and we ask legal questions that are not always able to separate. When legal matters concern only the Morocco of course we can go directly on site and number of lawyers here are competent to respond to our problems. But when those cases involve France, the problem becomes more complicated.
Then, during my research, I just discovered a special Cabinet: Cabinet

& ASSOCIES 20, quai de la Mégisserie

75001 PARIS Tel. : 01 42 25 42 00
Fax: 01 42 25 42 01

with a topic: Special French overseas
He has a forum where you can ask questions and a response will be given for free, simply register and identify themselves.

firm located in Paris Cabinet Apelbaum & ASSOCIATES operates with experience and expertise to represent you and assist you in all matters, whether in right of people (marriage, divorce, inheritance, children, marital status ...) in law real estate (leasing, buying and selling ...), in criminal law and commercial law (company, court procedures, debt collection ...).

Thanks to a successful video conference system (Skype) you are speaking directly with a lawyer of our firm for consultation and follow up your case.

exchanges of correspondence and documents be done through the Internet (mail and scan).

You never know, it can serve.


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