hypocrisies of
is the kind of advertising that we see BLOOM ON INTERNET
"gateway to Marrakech, in a dream fully privatized for the occasion, discover the richness & splendor of authentic Morocco, during stays like no other!
Much more than just a vacation, the Marrakech GaySunParties ™ are the ideal combination for an unforgettable time!
restricted to a gay clientele, relax by combining the pleasures of relaxing in a 5 * Luxury Riad, a rich program of events: guided tours to enjoy the beauty of natural settings and rich culture of Morocco, evening high color with animation blending transformists Cabaret & Performance, shows Porno / Erotic provided by actors Menoboy ® X label and a whole bunch of other surprises ... "
It was not until the weekend to see the cohort of Casablanca and Rbati because it's not just foreigners who come to Marrakech to celebrate.
Here is the new Eldorado ultra liberal. Everything is bought and sold everything, just at the risk of falling into the murky.
Almost all of cabarets, nightclubs and other local pubs are so "filled" with plenty of charming girls often waiting for the client. Marrakech, the capital of sex tourism? Prostitution, in Marrakech, is an unavoidable phenomenon. This is not surprising that the principle - it is almost everywhere with us - is the abundance and appearance apparent supply. They exhibit themselves in clubs, of course, but also in cafes, or simply wander the streets or in supermarkets for their future bait.
We see girls everywhere, and they are far from wearing the niqab, the burqa, or veil. They are ultra stripped wear shorts as in Saint Tropez, Ultra décoltés without plunging bra, pants that reveals that they do not even have panties and you stare down from above. Woe to him who dares to watch unless it is your husband or MREs but especially with evidence of apparent wealth and even if it's the old grandpa retired 70 years (Never mind).
The problem is serious. The fact is that Marrakech has a reputation as a city where the pleasures of the flesh are tolerated, even more doubtful. Overall, we are in a confused situation. Many are not doing any real difference between pedophilia and homosexuality. In one case, it is a sexual relationship with a minor - a crime punishable by law all over the world, and in the second, it is a lifestyle choice for consenting adults . it has nothing to do. It also often confuses prostitution and drag. Here, as everything is forbidden (bulk: homosexuality, pedophilia, prostitution, sexual relations outside marriage), we ended up mixing everything and, paradoxically, by accepting everything as long as it is hidden, of course.
Arriving in Marrakech, some people find a city "gay friendly", ie open and tolerant to homosexuals. Some even openly communicate riads on the label via the Internet. But we must express some reservations about the concept of "gay friendly". All is not permitted, and those who think that anything goes is wrong. This does not stop with money, anything is possible in Marrakech found evidence that advertising on the Internet.
This bothers me that's not what makes homosexuality or prostitution, is the hypocrisy that hangs because listening to Marrakech, there are only outsiders who consume because the others are Muslims and among them is No!
Moreover, they see nothing them is that we invent all these things to discredit Morocco and that anyway, it's our fault if we did not bring these deviations they don ' not exist !!!!!!
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