The Gnaoua - Figure légédaire Essarouira
Gnaouas or Gnawa are the descendents of former slaves from populations of origin Black Africa (Senegal, Sudan, Ghana ...) It was brought by the ancient dynasties that have passed through the history of Morocco and, more rarely, Algeria and Tunisia, starting with the Almohad empire for works and buildings of the palace and building armies. The incorporation of the Gnawa brotherhoods throughout Morocco focuses on teachers musicians (the Mâallems) instrument players (almost exclusively qraqech - sort of rattlesnakes - and Gambri), clairvoyants (chouaafa), mediums and simple followers. They practice together a syncretic rite of possession (called Lila Morocco, Diwan in Algeria) and mingling with both African and Arabo-Berber during which followers engage in the practice of the dances of possession and trance .
Their patron saint is Sidi Bilal, the first slave who was freed by the Prophet Muhammad to become the first muezzin (one who makes the call to prayer) of Islam. They later intermarried with the local population and formed a brotherhood to create a cult original blending African and Arabo-Berber.
Gnawa are said they are "African Maghreb and the sap from the graft.
Festival Essaouira Gnawa Music Festival is being held at the beginning of every summer in the Moroccan city of Essaouira. The festival showcases the great Mâalemines (Masters) playing Gnawa music of the Gnawa mystic and sacred. Some hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world are attracted to this great musical event. The festivities place throughout the city and mainly at two major gates of the medina (Place Moulay el Hassan, and Bab Marrakech), where there are two major stages. Essaouira is unrecognizable during this festival the whole city lives "in a fever Gnawa."
This festival aims to blend the cultural and musical, and offers an excellent selection of artists from around the world to mix their music with that of the Gnawa. is also an opportunity for young local artists to appear before a large public
The festival is entirely free, and only some private concerts are not free, called Lilac (nights).
The first festival was a success, it took 21 to 24 June 1998, and attracted nearly 20,000 holidaymakers. According
old and rare Gnaouas scholars, music and rituals Gnawa, derive their origins of Voodoo. These practices have had to morph to survive and adopt Islam as a religion in order to ensure continuity (and their cousins who have adopted Christianity in America).
During the colonial period, many researchers and anthropologists try to understand and classify the religious system in the Maghreb. The Gnawa are, from the late nineteenth century, identified as People with a religious brotherhood therapeutic practices are the legacy of animism SSA "imported" by generations of slaves living in Morocco.
Indeed, work on the cult of saints or the North African slave trade in Islamic countries have attempted to identify the origin of this community and its ritual practices by exploring the origin of the word "Gnawa." The explanation given by Maurice Delafosse in 1924, remained for a long time the only reference etymological and was adopted by generations of researchers. According Delafosse, the term Berber Akal-n-that iguinaouen means Black states, giving rise to the word Guinea and the word "Gnawa" by phonetic similarity. Gnawa, therefore mean black man or country from the blacks.
However, in the absence of historical evidence, only the phonetic has supported the hypothesis of sub-Saharan origin of this community and its rituals. Contemporary scholars agree that it is difficult today to identify the origin of Gnawa from their name, especially since they are not all black, Arab or Muslim. There are also Gnawa Gnawa and Berber Jews. Like other religious orders, said former Slaves, related to Gnawa of Morocco, do exist but under different names: in Algeria (Diwan), Tunisia (Stambali) in the Libyan Fezzan (Sambal) and even in Egypt (Zar).
To answer the question of the origins of the Gnawa community and its rituals, it is necessary to turn to the structure of the religious system in Morocco and to the history of the slave trade in the land of Islam. Thus, the frequency of meetings and travel between black Africa and white is not limited to trade communities servile. These exchanges in both directions could only promote relations between both Africa and prepare gradually emerging as the Gnawa brotherhoods in Morocco, Algeria or the Diwan Stambali Tunisia. As well as some similarities between ritual practices and those of Gnawa Moroccan Sufi brotherhoods prove true spiritual kinship that excludes the idea of a syncretism in which a foreign religion would simply accommodated a dominant religion. This is the formation of a complex and progressive community and religious practice over a long period, "various strata and similar contributions" [1]. It is better to speak here, to answer the question of the origins of this community and its practices, a "synthesis" rather than a form of accommodation, mixing or syncretism.
And Gnaouas returning from afar, they were underrated artistically considered as mere minstrels, or even beggars, and socially marginalized. Many Moroccans had a very vague idea of the history of this particular brotherhood. But fortunately times and attitudes change.
Today they are considered artists in their own right. They are respected, admired, invited to perform around the world. Considered as carriers of an art, a real one. More importantly, the Moroccan company realized it could learn from the true spirit of Gnawa.
Today, Moroccans have finally understood that art is a Gnaoui ancient heritage must be preserved at all costs.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Free Toy Chest Building Plans
Humor of the Moroccan
should know that the Moroccan jokers is often at the expense of the other course, each region has its jokes but the Marrakchi is known to be the most jokers of all Moroccans, when you take bus, taxi you see that very often the crises of laughter and distributed to each occupant, it makes you want to understand simple words and the stories they tell.
I give you an example of what can be said to them along the Moroccan regions:
The legendary jokes Soussi (the region of Sousse, south of Morocco). it seems that they are cheap ...
the chleuhs now: (Berbers) it seems that they are a bit stupid ...
the Casaou (Casablanca capita) it seems that they are bad ... The
Tanjawis (inhabitant of Tangier) it seems that they have big problems adulterers
Rifians now (living in the Rif region) it seems that they are secured to each other.
So obviously, it's not my words, and jokes are often directed to these characteristics I think that "one says," the stories are often at the expense of different regions and following characteristics outlined above.
smile that was a joke .... Moroccan-
Now, some good jokes about Moroccans.
1 - An old Moroccan, who has lived 40 years in Texas (USA), wanted to cultivate potatoes in his garden but till the land was too difficult for his age. His only son, Ali, was studying in Europe, so he decided to send him an e-mail to explain the situation:
Dear Ali, I am very unhappy because this year I could not plant my potatoes in my garden. I'm too old to return to the earth alone. I hope you can come and that my problem will be solved because you will do it for me. I love you Your father "
" Dear Father, God forbid!
RETURNS DO NOT EVEN earth of the garden!
This is where I hid, "You know what." I love you Ali "
At 4:00 am the next day local police, FBI and CIA agents accompanied by a delegation from the Pentagon arrived and returned completely to the garden in search of hazardous materials can be used to make bombs, anthrax or anything . They found nothing and left.
The same day the old man received another e-mail from his son:
"Dear father, I am sure that now you can plant your potatoes. That's the best I can do under current circumstances . I love you.
2 - Two large neighboring one Moroccan and one Japanese live in a very tight building stairs. Every morning they come down at the same time, jostling. One day the Japanese gets angry and hits the Moroccan, he vanished three months and when he woke up he found the Japanese to the hospital asking for forgiveness by offering flowers. Moroccan: I forgive you as long to tell me with what you hit me? The Japanese: with something we have The Moroccan: What is your thing? The Japanese: Karate.
Another morning, the same scene was repeated when he woke from his coma, the Moroccan has been in front of him, yet the Japanese asking forgiveness flowers in Morocco's hands: I forgive you as long to tell me you hit me with anything ? Japanese: with another thing we have The Moroccan:
What is your thing? The Japanese: Kung-fu
The Moroccan said "this is what Japanese hmar dial will run all over me or Martial Arts what? "
Another day down the stairs, the two neighbors have pushed and this time it's Moroccan who managed to hit the Japanese and put him in coma for two years. The Japanese in awaking, found the Moroccan with flowers and gifts to ask for forgiveness. The Japanese
: I forgive you as long to tell me with what you hit me? Moroccan: with something good to you. Japanese: What is it? Kung fu ? Karate? Moroccan: no it's another thing to you The Japanese: I beg you, tell me with what stuff you hit me? Moroccan: with a wrench Yamaha
Meussieu embassy di Canada.
Well, my name is Mustafa and I have 20 tans. I am writing to tell you that the visa I need right now one of uregence please. It's a matter of life or death.
It's true I swear I'm telling you the VirIT. I vai explode if you deny me mine. No, I Diconne not. It sirieux. For me everything is OK. I call'd my cousin Rachel, that he is the lowest for 35 year and he has prepared everything for me over there. Everything. There is work, there is the housing, there is the woman for kocubinage, there are the papers and everything. The wind touches you it is not me saying my cousin Rachel. For social sikiriti no problem. Me in very good health. The state of Canada does not give me a penny for the romboursé midicament. I doing from start to finish. I swear it's true. Give me the visa and no problem. Me, I do the plumbing, ilictriciti the couizine, linformatik a little on the caramail micans the cars and massonerie. Finally, I doing much Domene. And if you seen I give you enfonts for the low prices of Arabic because that I have read many newspaper El Khabar, which is very very good year churning out no problem too. Here I am in my Piye wrong, Meussieu embassy. The digoutage it kills you, the iconomi crisis, unemployment, housing crisis, and beaucou problem you know. It is better now
left then with the cover. That
Meussieu the ambassador. I have not said anything, but was not serious. Prochène the time, I tell you everything. I swear. Beaucou me I respect him for your Piye. So please, give me the visa.
Until you give me the visa Meussieu the ambassador of here as fast as possible, I kiss you and all the family. Soon Mustafa
4 - Guallike nadmou Wahed al contest to find the biggest slacker in the world. 3 people are qualified, one American, one French and ... .. of course Morocco. For
decide they convene in a waiting room and called the first American High:
- Max Tell us, give us an example of your laziness.
- Well, sometimes I do not eat for days, so I'm too lazy to shop and cook.
is called Peter, the French, we asked the same question, Peter answered
- Well I, when my wife was about to give birth and I'm too lazy to drive to the hospital ... .. We call
then H'med Moroccan, who was waiting in the hall:
- Sir H'med, you're
- Iouahhh Ah'na bdinna Bisda33 (sda3)! I'm too lazy khaliouni na3esseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
5-1 man who goes out with his girlfriend and who was so eager to be with her but due to financial problem, he found a large truck parked in a zone coverage and it quite fit under the truck with his girlfriend but suddenly a policeman catches him and said: ach katdir hna (what art do you do here. he responds I am a mechanic and I am working to repair the truck.
the officer said yes it is but you have committed three errors
1: you're not given the work is dangerous
rights: yes sir, you're right
2: to repair this type of truck one must put on the back but not on the belly
ok man: yes sir you are right and the 3rd sir?
3: node al hmar lcamio MCHA 3adi half an hour .................
(is that the truck has already left for half an hour .....)
6 - Ahmed and Mohamed is coming together.
The first, dressed like a lord, down a stunning limousine.
The other, to look miserable, told her boyfriend:
- Well, I say, you made it yourself! What are you doing?
- I beg in the subway.
- Huh? It relates so much?
- Sure. Tries. You sit with a sign, you'll see ...
Two days later, the other sees his friend.
Hey Ahmed, you're fucking me! In two days I picked up a euro!
Yet on my sign I wrote:
"My wife is sick, my daughter is in hospital, my baby has no milk"
Underground, it's worthless!
- Say no nonsense, because Ahmed, look what I picked up in two days and
it opens a huge bag filled to the top of ticket
- "It's not true! "Is another, dumbfounded. But what did you put on your sign
- I simply wrote: "I miss ten euros to go to Morocco!"
Here is a glimpse of jokes that can be heard here, I hope you enjoy, we French people we LOVE! !!!!!
should know that the Moroccan jokers is often at the expense of the other course, each region has its jokes but the Marrakchi is known to be the most jokers of all Moroccans, when you take bus, taxi you see that very often the crises of laughter and distributed to each occupant, it makes you want to understand simple words and the stories they tell.
I give you an example of what can be said to them along the Moroccan regions:
The legendary jokes Soussi (the region of Sousse, south of Morocco). it seems that they are cheap ...
the chleuhs now: (Berbers) it seems that they are a bit stupid ...
the Casaou (Casablanca capita) it seems that they are bad ... The
Tanjawis (inhabitant of Tangier) it seems that they have big problems adulterers
Rifians now (living in the Rif region) it seems that they are secured to each other.
So obviously, it's not my words, and jokes are often directed to these characteristics I think that "one says," the stories are often at the expense of different regions and following characteristics outlined above.
smile that was a joke .... Moroccan-
Now, some good jokes about Moroccans.
1 - An old Moroccan, who has lived 40 years in Texas (USA), wanted to cultivate potatoes in his garden but till the land was too difficult for his age. His only son, Ali, was studying in Europe, so he decided to send him an e-mail to explain the situation:
Dear Ali, I am very unhappy because this year I could not plant my potatoes in my garden. I'm too old to return to the earth alone. I hope you can come and that my problem will be solved because you will do it for me. I love you Your father "
" Dear Father, God forbid!
RETURNS DO NOT EVEN earth of the garden!
This is where I hid, "You know what." I love you Ali "
At 4:00 am the next day local police, FBI and CIA agents accompanied by a delegation from the Pentagon arrived and returned completely to the garden in search of hazardous materials can be used to make bombs, anthrax or anything . They found nothing and left.
The same day the old man received another e-mail from his son:
"Dear father, I am sure that now you can plant your potatoes. That's the best I can do under current circumstances . I love you.
2 - Two large neighboring one Moroccan and one Japanese live in a very tight building stairs. Every morning they come down at the same time, jostling. One day the Japanese gets angry and hits the Moroccan, he vanished three months and when he woke up he found the Japanese to the hospital asking for forgiveness by offering flowers. Moroccan: I forgive you as long to tell me with what you hit me? The Japanese: with something we have The Moroccan: What is your thing? The Japanese: Karate.
Another morning, the same scene was repeated when he woke from his coma, the Moroccan has been in front of him, yet the Japanese asking forgiveness flowers in Morocco's hands: I forgive you as long to tell me you hit me with anything ? Japanese: with another thing we have The Moroccan:
What is your thing? The Japanese: Kung-fu
The Moroccan said "this is what Japanese hmar dial will run all over me or Martial Arts what? "
Another day down the stairs, the two neighbors have pushed and this time it's Moroccan who managed to hit the Japanese and put him in coma for two years. The Japanese in awaking, found the Moroccan with flowers and gifts to ask for forgiveness. The Japanese
: I forgive you as long to tell me with what you hit me? Moroccan: with something good to you. Japanese: What is it? Kung fu ? Karate? Moroccan: no it's another thing to you The Japanese: I beg you, tell me with what stuff you hit me? Moroccan: with a wrench Yamaha
Meussieu embassy di Canada.
Well, my name is Mustafa and I have 20 tans. I am writing to tell you that the visa I need right now one of uregence please. It's a matter of life or death.
It's true I swear I'm telling you the VirIT. I vai explode if you deny me mine. No, I Diconne not. It sirieux. For me everything is OK. I call'd my cousin Rachel, that he is the lowest for 35 year and he has prepared everything for me over there. Everything. There is work, there is the housing, there is the woman for kocubinage, there are the papers and everything. The wind touches you it is not me saying my cousin Rachel. For social sikiriti no problem. Me in very good health. The state of Canada does not give me a penny for the romboursé midicament. I doing from start to finish. I swear it's true. Give me the visa and no problem. Me, I do the plumbing, ilictriciti the couizine, linformatik a little on the caramail micans the cars and massonerie. Finally, I doing much Domene. And if you seen I give you enfonts for the low prices of Arabic because that I have read many newspaper El Khabar, which is very very good year churning out no problem too. Here I am in my Piye wrong, Meussieu embassy. The digoutage it kills you, the iconomi crisis, unemployment, housing crisis, and beaucou problem you know. It is better now
left then with the cover. That
Meussieu the ambassador. I have not said anything, but was not serious. Prochène the time, I tell you everything. I swear. Beaucou me I respect him for your Piye. So please, give me the visa.
Until you give me the visa Meussieu the ambassador of here as fast as possible, I kiss you and all the family. Soon Mustafa
4 - Guallike nadmou Wahed al contest to find the biggest slacker in the world. 3 people are qualified, one American, one French and ... .. of course Morocco. For
decide they convene in a waiting room and called the first American High:
- Max Tell us, give us an example of your laziness.
- Well, sometimes I do not eat for days, so I'm too lazy to shop and cook.
is called Peter, the French, we asked the same question, Peter answered
- Well I, when my wife was about to give birth and I'm too lazy to drive to the hospital ... .. We call
then H'med Moroccan, who was waiting in the hall:
- Sir H'med, you're
- Iouahhh Ah'na bdinna Bisda33 (sda3)! I'm too lazy khaliouni na3esseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
5-1 man who goes out with his girlfriend and who was so eager to be with her but due to financial problem, he found a large truck parked in a zone coverage and it quite fit under the truck with his girlfriend but suddenly a policeman catches him and said: ach katdir hna (what art do you do here. he responds I am a mechanic and I am working to repair the truck.
the officer said yes it is but you have committed three errors
1: you're not given the work is dangerous
rights: yes sir, you're right
2: to repair this type of truck one must put on the back but not on the belly
ok man: yes sir you are right and the 3rd sir?
3: node al hmar lcamio MCHA 3adi half an hour .................
(is that the truck has already left for half an hour .....)
6 - Ahmed and Mohamed is coming together.
The first, dressed like a lord, down a stunning limousine.
The other, to look miserable, told her boyfriend:
- Well, I say, you made it yourself! What are you doing?
- I beg in the subway.
- Huh? It relates so much?
- Sure. Tries. You sit with a sign, you'll see ...
Two days later, the other sees his friend.
Hey Ahmed, you're fucking me! In two days I picked up a euro!
Yet on my sign I wrote:
"My wife is sick, my daughter is in hospital, my baby has no milk"
Underground, it's worthless!
- Say no nonsense, because Ahmed, look what I picked up in two days and
it opens a huge bag filled to the top of ticket
- "It's not true! "Is another, dumbfounded. But what did you put on your sign
- I simply wrote: "I miss ten euros to go to Morocco!"
Here is a glimpse of jokes that can be heard here, I hope you enjoy, we French people we LOVE! !!!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Diaper Cream For Ringworm
La Baraja has existed in Spain between the years 1300 - 1500, probably of Italian origin. In fact, Baraja, such as tarot are used both for play and for fortune-telling.
was widely regarded Baraja that is part of the occult in many Latin American countries, yet they continue to be used widely for card games and gambling, especially in Spain and Morocco and other Maghreb countries.
Baraja cards are also present in Morocco where card games like English or Ronda Tute were introduced by the Moors fleeing persecution after the Reconquista.
The English words are still in use: shbada (espada), tromfo (Triunfo), copas, rey etc. ..
Map Moroccan or ronda
there are 40 cards. Participles can
2-3-4. players.
we put 4 cards on the table.
and we give 3 cards to each player.
Each player draws a card.
Either he has in his hand a similar card on the table and take it
the map, plus maps that follow (eg 2,3,4
there on the table, it is 2 it takes 3 cards)
Either he did nothing, and he puts a card on the table.
CAIDA: is when a player throws a card (eg an ace) and the other player throws an ace CAIDA it's called, the one who throws picks and last ace card receives a of one has that throw before.
ronda: when it was in the hand like 2 cards (eg, 5 of 5 Gold and the sword) says Ronda. and we receive a card the other player.
mesa: is when I throw a sota (10) servant.
on the table and that there is a sota (10)
caballo. (11) which means horse.
and Rey (12) which means king.
So you take everything as you go down the map and say SOTA SOTA, CABALLERO and REY.
and more the other player must give you a map of his job.
cards are
oros, meaning gold. 10 cards
bastos, which looks like an octopus. 10 cards
copas, which means cutting. 10 cards
espadas, meaning swords. 10 cards.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. OROS.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. BASTOS.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. COPAS.
1-2-03-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. ESPADAS
If you throw an ace on the table and there on the table as-2-3-4-5 MESSA you say and you take everything. and the player who plays with you to give you a map of his job.
To find out who wins after the game we should count the cards that you won and you start counting from 20 points that is to say if you have 25 cards you have gained 5 points .
ronda With these cards, you can also play the seven and a half.
If you have three identical cards must announce "TRING" (at Casablanca) and (logs) in the English zone.
If you have two identical cards must announce "RONDA". When
player manages to collect all cards from the board, they say he is "Miss" (Casablanca) and Mesa in the English zone.
Mesa means table in English.
When the very last card is played, it is likely all the cards on the table, then it is he who made the last trick wins all the carpet and said, "Miss" jumping for joy .
CAIDA: is when a player throws a card (eg an ace) and the other player threw a caida as it's called, the one who throws last and has picked up the ace receives a card that has that laid ahead.
La Baraja has existed in Spain between the years 1300 - 1500, probably of Italian origin. In fact, Baraja, such as tarot are used both for play and for fortune-telling.
was widely regarded Baraja that is part of the occult in many Latin American countries, yet they continue to be used widely for card games and gambling, especially in Spain and Morocco and other Maghreb countries.
Baraja cards are also present in Morocco where card games like English or Ronda Tute were introduced by the Moors fleeing persecution after the Reconquista.
The English words are still in use: shbada (espada), tromfo (Triunfo), copas, rey etc. ..
Map Moroccan or ronda
there are 40 cards. Participles can
2-3-4. players.
we put 4 cards on the table.
and we give 3 cards to each player.
Each player draws a card.
Either he has in his hand a similar card on the table and take it
the map, plus maps that follow (eg 2,3,4
there on the table, it is 2 it takes 3 cards)
Either he did nothing, and he puts a card on the table.
CAIDA: is when a player throws a card (eg an ace) and the other player throws an ace CAIDA it's called, the one who throws picks and last ace card receives a of one has that throw before.
ronda: when it was in the hand like 2 cards (eg, 5 of 5 Gold and the sword) says Ronda. and we receive a card the other player.
mesa: is when I throw a sota (10) servant.
on the table and that there is a sota (10)
caballo. (11) which means horse.
and Rey (12) which means king.
So you take everything as you go down the map and say SOTA SOTA, CABALLERO and REY.
and more the other player must give you a map of his job.
cards are
oros, meaning gold. 10 cards
bastos, which looks like an octopus. 10 cards
copas, which means cutting. 10 cards
espadas, meaning swords. 10 cards.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. OROS.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. BASTOS.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. COPAS.
1-2-03-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. ESPADAS
If you throw an ace on the table and there on the table as-2-3-4-5 MESSA you say and you take everything. and the player who plays with you to give you a map of his job.
To find out who wins after the game we should count the cards that you won and you start counting from 20 points that is to say if you have 25 cards you have gained 5 points .
ronda With these cards, you can also play the seven and a half.
If you have three identical cards must announce "TRING" (at Casablanca) and (logs) in the English zone.
If you have two identical cards must announce "RONDA". When
player manages to collect all cards from the board, they say he is "Miss" (Casablanca) and Mesa in the English zone.
Mesa means table in English.
When the very last card is played, it is likely all the cards on the table, then it is he who made the last trick wins all the carpet and said, "Miss" jumping for joy .
CAIDA: is when a player throws a card (eg an ace) and the other player threw a caida as it's called, the one who throws last and has picked up the ace receives a card that has that laid ahead.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Senior Beach Week Rentals
Cost of living in Morocco
Many people contact me to get an idea of the cost of living in Marrakech. I'll give you an idea of the price of food in the supermarket MARJANE.
You should know that there are several different supermarkets teaches MARJANE, ACIMA, Aswak ASSALAM.
Know that all signs are doing the same thing at the same price. No difference in product prices. They have one in my opinion single supplier. You can find
now and have been for 3 months can near new products with the brand MARJANE INTERMARCHE, there a small difference in choosing a homegrown example: Bechamel sauce (dehydrated bag - 58 g flour make pizza dough, to make his bread.
Here, we look forward to the opening of a shopping center Almazar which should open its doors to the public just before the holiday season.
With among other signs in the name famous. It must be just behind the Megarama. 30,000 m2 and in particular a Carrefour hypermarket
6,000 m2 and a VIRGIN MEGASTOIRE.
Marrakesh has more than 4,000 foreign residents (at least listed) plus those who are not registered in the consulates, the Moroccan population has more than 3 million people.
We hope it will finally open its doors because you can not say that the choice is diverse.
When I note brand Moroccan or Local: It means that these products are manufactured locally in Morocco). The same French name brands are imported. So obviously some products of the same brands have not always taste the same, nor the same quality.
index given by the Embassy France: This must surely be the last year as prices have increased significantly.
Many people contact me to get an idea of the cost of living in Marrakech. I'll give you an idea of the price of food in the supermarket MARJANE.
You should know that there are several different supermarkets teaches MARJANE, ACIMA, Aswak ASSALAM.
Know that all signs are doing the same thing at the same price. No difference in product prices. They have one in my opinion single supplier. You can find
now and have been for 3 months can near new products with the brand MARJANE INTERMARCHE, there a small difference in choosing a homegrown example: Bechamel sauce (dehydrated bag - 58 g flour make pizza dough, to make his bread.
Here, we look forward to the opening of a shopping center Almazar which should open its doors to the public just before the holiday season.
With among other signs in the name famous. It must be just behind the Megarama. 30,000 m2 and in particular a Carrefour hypermarket
6,000 m2 and a VIRGIN MEGASTOIRE.
Marrakesh has more than 4,000 foreign residents (at least listed) plus those who are not registered in the consulates, the Moroccan population has more than 3 million people.
We hope it will finally open its doors because you can not say that the choice is diverse.
When I note brand Moroccan or Local: It means that these products are manufactured locally in Morocco). The same French name brands are imported. So obviously some products of the same brands have not always taste the same, nor the same quality.
index given by the Embassy France: This must surely be the last year as prices have increased significantly.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Digivue Grabber Drivers
So obviously, everyone's idea of Ramadan, but very few are accustomed to live completely immersed in a country that practices one of the five obligations of the Muslim (with prayer, almsgiving, pilgrimage to Mecca, and the profession of faith) Ramadan is strictly observed in Morocco.
First, be aware that many Things change, we can see that the preparations begin many days before the fateful date. The excitement is palpable everywhere. The shelves are full of merchants mountains of cakes with honey, almonds .... dried fruit. Everyone starts fussing.
Then, come the time when we non-Muslims, we know we have nothing predict. Everything changes, store opening times, overworked doctors or absent many Moroccans go visit family.
We no longer know what is expected or not. In general, we defer all after Ramadan appointments, shopping, finally, we also live Ramadan.
Ramadan following year Lunar and falls in any season but ahead of 13 days from one year to another.
bans on food, drink, tobacco ..... but people who are traveling or sick are not concerned, as well as pregnant women or women who are menstruating. Catch up the missed days in the year.
The only problem with this festival is that the country is totally paralyzed, almost nothing works.
Everything changes, work schedules are different, the cafes are closed during the day and reopen in the evening, some people take the opportunity to take their holidays.
prices increase. Your staff will ask to leave earlier. It is customary to give extra pay.
BUT ABOVE ALL: Be kind, the days are not hard to eat and drink especially in hot weather and fatigue is not simulated.
Breaking the fast is announced by a cannon, which will repeat the morning for the start of fasting. But mostly made
attention to driving is already very dangerous, it becomes completely mad half hour before the break.
And then all was quiet, you live in another world, the atomic bomb fell there, nobody in the streets, traffic no longer exists, the city is totally silent, you like living in a science fiction novel, even the cats have disappeared.
Ramadan we also good sides as stores continue teaching day, what a dream usually must juggle the opening and closing to eat. And if you're lucky enough to be invited, you can taste traditional dishes but be careful if you take the first course, you could not finish later.
The nightlife is very lively, it's also the only time of year during which Muslim women in traditional dress can walk alone or in groups after dark without fear of criticism.
Then, enjoy a taste of the fried cakes dipped in honey, dates, different pancakes, sellou mixture of flour, butter, sugar, almonds, sesame seeds, walnuts, peanuts served with a spoon.
So obviously, everyone's idea of Ramadan, but very few are accustomed to live completely immersed in a country that practices one of the five obligations of the Muslim (with prayer, almsgiving, pilgrimage to Mecca, and the profession of faith) Ramadan is strictly observed in Morocco.
First, be aware that many Things change, we can see that the preparations begin many days before the fateful date. The excitement is palpable everywhere. The shelves are full of merchants mountains of cakes with honey, almonds .... dried fruit. Everyone starts fussing.
Then, come the time when we non-Muslims, we know we have nothing predict. Everything changes, store opening times, overworked doctors or absent many Moroccans go visit family.
We no longer know what is expected or not. In general, we defer all after Ramadan appointments, shopping, finally, we also live Ramadan.
Ramadan following year Lunar and falls in any season but ahead of 13 days from one year to another.
bans on food, drink, tobacco ..... but people who are traveling or sick are not concerned, as well as pregnant women or women who are menstruating. Catch up the missed days in the year.
The only problem with this festival is that the country is totally paralyzed, almost nothing works.
Everything changes, work schedules are different, the cafes are closed during the day and reopen in the evening, some people take the opportunity to take their holidays.
prices increase. Your staff will ask to leave earlier. It is customary to give extra pay.
BUT ABOVE ALL: Be kind, the days are not hard to eat and drink especially in hot weather and fatigue is not simulated.
Breaking the fast is announced by a cannon, which will repeat the morning for the start of fasting. But mostly made
attention to driving is already very dangerous, it becomes completely mad half hour before the break.
And then all was quiet, you live in another world, the atomic bomb fell there, nobody in the streets, traffic no longer exists, the city is totally silent, you like living in a science fiction novel, even the cats have disappeared.
Ramadan we also good sides as stores continue teaching day, what a dream usually must juggle the opening and closing to eat. And if you're lucky enough to be invited, you can taste traditional dishes but be careful if you take the first course, you could not finish later.
The nightlife is very lively, it's also the only time of year during which Muslim women in traditional dress can walk alone or in groups after dark without fear of criticism.
Then, enjoy a taste of the fried cakes dipped in honey, dates, different pancakes, sellou mixture of flour, butter, sugar, almonds, sesame seeds, walnuts, peanuts served with a spoon.
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