Sunday, September 20, 2009

Diaper Cream For Ringworm


La Baraja has existed in Spain between the years 1300 - 1500, probably of Italian origin. In fact, Baraja, such as tarot are used both for play and for fortune-telling.

was widely regarded Baraja that is part of the occult in many Latin American countries, yet they continue to be used widely for card games and gambling, especially in Spain and Morocco and other Maghreb countries.

Baraja cards are also present in Morocco where card games like English or Ronda Tute were introduced by the Moors fleeing persecution after the Reconquista.

The English words are still in use: shbada (espada), tromfo (Triunfo), copas, rey etc. ..

Map Moroccan or ronda


there are 40 cards. Participles can
2-3-4. players.

we put 4 cards on the table.
and we give 3 cards to each player.

Each player draws a card.

Either he has in his hand a similar card on the table and take it
the map, plus maps that follow (eg 2,3,4
there on the table, it is 2 it takes 3 cards)
Either he did nothing, and he puts a card on the table.

CAIDA: is when a player throws a card (eg an ace) and the other player throws an ace CAIDA it's called, the one who throws picks and last ace card receives a of one has that throw before.

ronda: when it was in the hand like 2 cards (eg, 5 of 5 Gold and the sword) says Ronda. and we receive a card the other player.

mesa: is when I throw a sota (10) servant.
on the table and that there is a sota (10)
caballo. (11) which means horse.
and Rey (12) which means king.

So you take everything as you go down the map and say SOTA SOTA, CABALLERO and REY.
and more the other player must give you a map of his job.

cards are

oros, meaning gold. 10 cards
bastos, which looks like an octopus. 10 cards
copas, which means cutting. 10 cards
espadas, meaning swords. 10 cards.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. OROS.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. BASTOS.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. COPAS.
1-2-03-4-5-6-7-10-11-12. ESPADAS

If you throw an ace on the table and there on the table as-2-3-4-5 MESSA you say and you take everything. and the player who plays with you to give you a map of his job.

To find out who wins after the game we should count the cards that you won and you start counting from 20 points that is to say if you have 25 cards you have gained 5 points .

ronda With these cards, you can also play the seven and a half.

If you have three identical cards must announce "TRING" (at Casablanca) and (logs) in the English zone.

If you have two identical cards must announce "RONDA". When

player manages to collect all cards from the board, they say he is "Miss" (Casablanca) and Mesa in the English zone.

Mesa means table in English.

When the very last card is played, it is likely all the cards on the table, then it is he who made the last trick wins all the carpet and said, "Miss" jumping for joy .

CAIDA: is when a player throws a card (eg an ace) and the other player threw a caida as it's called, the one who throws last and has picked up the ace receives a card that has that laid ahead.


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